couple in green sharing beer presumably on St Patricks day

How Different Generations Navigate Non-Monogamy

Open relationship allow partners to agree to engage in romantic or sexual activiites with others outside of what is known as their “primary partner.” And while for many years this relationship style was largely condemned by the mainstream, recent years have shown that more people are adapting to this style of modern dating for a variety of reasons. Some of those reasons include spicing up their current partnership, seeking new adventures, meeting new likeminded people, and saving a marriage.

But how do different ages navigate open relationships and swinging?

Today, we will explore how various generations—Millennials, Gen Xers, and Baby Boomers—approach and navigate open relationships. 

Open Relationships Among Millennials

Millennials, generally defined as individuals born between 1981 and 1996, have been noted for their progressive attitudes towards dating in general. They epitomize the term, “modern dating,” which we use around her a lot.

Given this generations’ proclivity for non-traditional exploration, it should come as no surprise that many millennials embrace open relationships.

A lot of this is due to millennials questioning traditional monogamous relationship structures. Open relationships may appeal to millennials because they allow for flexibility and transparency.

Millennials have a desire for the pursuit of personal freedom. They prefer variety. And many millennials are open to exploring their sexual desires and preferences in a safe and consensual manner.

Certainly, this doesn’t mean they are completely immune to the stressors that an open relationship might incite, such as jealousy. It just means they possess a willingness to explore new experiences.

Open Relationships Among Generation X

Generation X, typically defined as individuals born between 1965 and 1980, often finds itself at a crossroads of traditional and modern values.

Because this generation experienced more traditional relationship structures from their parents, their pursuits and explorations in open relationships is often less predictable.

Generation X values long-term security and might approach open relationships and swinging with a bit more of a cautious take. But they do explore non-monogamy, particularly as a solution for a stale relationship.

Open Relationships Among Baby Boomers

Baby Boomers, generally defined as individuals born between 1946 and 1964, grew up during a period of significant social change. 

Because this generation experienced the sexual revolution of the 1960s and especially 1970s, they aren’t new to the challenging of traditional norms and structures.

Baby Boomers do value longer term commitments and they appreciate stability. But Baby Boomers are exploring non-monogamous arrangements. Sometimes, this is due to their age whereas on a long enough timeline, divorce and the passing of a spouse increases. And some of it is due to their historical exposure to sexual revolutions.

Generational Differences in Consensual Non-Monogamy Behaviors and Attitudes

The chart below, titled “Generational Differences in Consensual Non-monogamy Behaviors and Attitudes,” illustrates how various generations view and engage in open sexual relationships. The data, sourced from the Wheatley Institution/YouGov “Fidelity Survey” conducted in December 2018, provides a compelling insight into the evolving perspectives on non-monogamous relationships across different age groups.

generational differences in consensual non-monogamy behaviors and attitudes

The chart reveals a clear generational divide in attitudes and behaviors towards consensual non-monogamy. Millennials and Gen Xers are more likely to have participated in or considered open relationships, reflecting broader social acceptance and changing norms around romantic and sexual partnerships. These generations value personal freedom, exploration, and transparency, which align with the principles of consensual non-monogamy.

In contrast, Baby Boomers and the Silent/Greatest Generation maintain more traditional views on monogamy. Their higher agreement on monogamy being ideal for committed couples underscores the persistence of conventional relationship ideals, even as younger generations challenge and redefine them.

Finding Your Tribe

No matter your generation, it all comes down to finding your tribe. That’s probably easiest achieved using our swinger lifestyle dating site, but if you have the energy and the willingness, going out to a London swingers club (or wherever you may be) can foster incredible likeminded connections.

Understanding how different generations view the current sexual revolution is helpful in obtaining a more accurate perspective on the dating world surrounding you. Sometimes, open relationship and swinger lifestyles can lead to a feeling of isolation due to the mainstream’s focus on traditional structures. But we’ve seen a lot of that changing and expect the revolutions will continue as more people realize that traditional marriage fails as much as it succeeds. The odds aren’t that great with traditional marriage.



