couple smiling as man kisses her on cheek

The Future of Open Relationships: Top 5 Trends to Watch in Dating

As modern dating and what we fondly call “group fun” around here continue to evolve, some dating structures once deemed “unconventional” are becoming increasingly mainstream. Such open-mindedness is truly refreshing to witness.

A variety of new trends are emerging across the dating landscape. Let’s delve into the key trends that are redefining the modern dating world.

Digital Platforms and Dating Apps Tailored for Swinging, Open Relationships

Our Group Fun swinger and open relationship dating website has grown by leaps and bounds over the past few years. This success is largely due to a combination of our well-known community of members sharing our excitement and the evolving landscape of modern dating.

The rise of specialized dating apps and platforms designed for people in open relationships extends beyond just our own community. There are many places, including Reddit, that offer connectivity for like-minded folks.

These apps provide features that cater to the unique needs and preferences of non-monogamous individuals, making it easier to find compatible partners and manage multiple relationships.

Increased Focus on Communication and Boundaries

Communication and boundaries are the very epicentre of open relationship dating. Without those pillars, you have nothing.

As more people explore non-monogamy, the importance of discussing expectations, desires, and limits becomes more crucial than ever in maintaining healthy and fulfilling connections.

Some of this is due to the rise of open relationships, which have spread the values and power of communication and open, honest dialogue. But it’s also part of a broader societal shift towards respect in relationships. The rise of the MeToo movement is one cultural factor that has sparked more conversations about how couples interact.

Communication should be the center of any and all relationships. Unfortunately in traditional structures it tends to get lost. Many people struggle to share their desires and concerns with their partners. And that leads to breakdowns later on.

Open relationships of any type simple can’t begin without communication. And that’s a good thing.

Normalization and Visibility of Open Relationships

There’s increasing visibility in mainstream media for open relationships like never before. Whether it’s joking about swinger pineapples or TV shows featuring open relationship couples, the portrayal of open relationships is evolving. And this is changing our conversations within Western culture.

From TV shows to social media influencers, open relationships are being depicted more frequently and positively, helping to reduce stigma and promote understanding.

We look forward to seeing this trend continue onward and upward.

Diverse Relationships Structures

From polyamory and swinging to throuples, people are exploring a diverse range of relationship types. They are doing this to reclaim their independence, which might seem counterintuitive at first. People are seeking to configure relationships to suit their individual needs and lifestyles.

We’re in a phase of our culture where dating diversity growth is upon us. And this isn’t just for the UK, but for places such as the United States and Canada and beyond. Its happening all over the world.

Look for this continue, which could (likely, will) bring about new relationship structures we haven’t considered prior.

Education and Support Communities

This may indeed be the biggest change to look forward to. With growing mainstream acceptance and visibility comes more educational and emotional support for various types of open relationships.

Workshops, online forums, and local meetups offer valuable guidance, support, and a sense of belonging for those navigating the complexities of non-monogamous dating.

These resources were typically reserved for mainstream dating and marriage structures, and traditional help communities were not particularly accommodating for people in diverse, modern open relationships.

Deeper, more precise support will greatly benefit open relationship and swinger partners worldwide.


Open relationships are becoming a more engrained part of our society and culture. Currently, its all evolving at a rapid pace as partners begin to see the potential benefits to their more traditional relationships. The mainstream is portraying open relationships as a more normal way forward for couples.

This doesn’t mean open relationships are swinging are for every couple. Of course not. But what we can tell you is that communication, respect, and boundaries are certainly for every couple. Whether you are married, dating, swinging, or a throuple, you need to open share your desires and needs and concerns with your partner if you want the relationship to work and evolve.

So even if you want to stay in a traditional relationship, communication is something every partnership can learn from open relationship standards.



