Guides For Swingers, Throuples, and Open Relationships

  • Swinger and Open Relationship Lingo Guide

    Swinger and Open Relationship Lingo Guide

    Getting into anything new, hobbies, vocations, you name it, can be stressful when you don’t understand the lingo. The swinger lifestyle is no different. Over decades, swinging has evolved and through that, it’s developed its own swinger terminologies. When you don’t know terms, whether its online or in person, you can feel left out and…

  • Starting Fresh: Exploring the Swinging Lifestyle Post-Divorce

    Starting Fresh: Exploring the Swinging Lifestyle Post-Divorce

    The swinger lifestyle is frequently sought by couples attempting to salvage a faltering relationship. However, what occurs when the relationship, colloquially referred to as being “on the rocks,” ultimately fails and becomes irreparable? Divorce rates globally, and specifically within the UK, are exceedingly high. Often, even the best efforts prove insufficient or arrive too late.…

  • Swinger Etiquette: Navigating Unwritten Rules in the UK’s Swinger Scene

    Swinger Etiquette: Navigating Unwritten Rules in the UK’s Swinger Scene

    The UK’s swinger scene is amongst the most vibrant and exhilarating globally. Whether you’re keen on attending lively swinger parties or looking to connect with others through online swinger dating communities, there’s plenty to dive into. Swinging is swiftly becoming one of the fastest-growing dating niches, so you’ve chosen a fantastic time to join the…

  • Navigating Swinging as a Single in the UK

    Navigating Swinging as a Single in the UK

    The UK boasts a vibrant and modern dating scene. Although London’s swingers scene often steals the spotlight, opportunities for open relationship fun can be found across the UK. However, knowing how to find what you’re searching for is crucial, but that’s true anywhere. If you’re single and eager to dive into a lively dating community,…

  • London’s Lively Swingers Scene: From Online Chats to Club Nights

    London’s Lively Swingers Scene: From Online Chats to Club Nights

    The swinging scene in London is absolutely buzzing. There’s something about a city as buzzing and diverse as London that really draws people in and gets them keen to stick around for a bit of fun. It’s not just the tourists who are gobsmacked by the lifestyle here; plenty of Londoners are well into the…

  • 5 Unexpected Benefits of Exploring the Swinger Lifestyle Together

    5 Unexpected Benefits of Exploring the Swinger Lifestyle Together

    We’ve entered a new world where dating is evolving into a more modern experience. No longer are couples chained to traditional plays that, while may work for many, don’t work for all. The swinger lifestyle is an often misunderstood modern dating experience that’s typically misrepresented in mainstream media. Instead, consenting adults who dabble, or dive…

  • Navigating Trust in Swinger Relationships: Five Essential Tips

    Navigating Trust in Swinger Relationships: Five Essential Tips

    Without question, trust is the centerpiece and cornerstone of a swinger relationship. Swinger relationships clearly have unique dynamics that challenge couples who desire a less restricted relationship. And although many swingers initially feel as though they are above and beyond trust issues, they almost always find out they aren’t. That’s because jealousy is a normal,…

  • Swinger Lifestyle & Dating Benefits (Everything To Know)

    Swinger Lifestyle & Dating Benefits (Everything To Know)

    The swinger lifestyle is becoming a more popular dating option for couples. Swinger dating is growing vastly. And moreover, many couples report they’re happier in their relationship than before they began swinging. And 72% of swingers find their hookups on dating sites like ours. These stats are heavily contributing to the exodus from traditional relationships into the swinger lifestyle.  But…

  • How To Become a Swinger 

    How To Become a Swinger 

    The bountiful and fruitful reasons why couples choose a swinger lifestyle are becoming more popular. Don’t get this wrong, the swinger lifestyle remains a counter-culture adventure; but more couples are exploring how to become a swinger for various relationship health reasons. But once a couple decides that giving an swinger lifestyle relationship a go is right for…

  • Solo Polyamory: Embracing Autonomy in Relationships

    Solo Polyamory: Embracing Autonomy in Relationships

    For some, the mere mention of “solo polyamory” arises notions of “perpetually single.” However, that’s far from the case. In fact, solo polyamory isn’t as much an avoidance of commitment as it is respect for individual autonomy. Many other people may be reading about solo polyamory for the first time. But this doesn’t mean you…