couple on coffee date

Maintaining Emotional Intimacy in a Swinger Relationship

Navigating the world of the swinger lifestyle can be a liberating experience for many couples, offering the thrill of new connections and the freedom to explore beyond traditional, mainstream values.

However, amidst the adventures and excitement, maintaining emotional intimacy between primary partners can sometimes get lost in the mix.

In a swinger relationship, intimacy needs to be nurtured to ensure that primary partners feel secure and deeply connected.

Let’s delve deeper into how we can achieve this.

What is Emotional Intimacy?

This may seem a bit remedial and unnecessary as a topic, but understanding the basics of emotional intimacy is crucial.

At its core, emotional intimacy is a deep connection with another person. It is the bedrock of any romantic relationship, binding two people together into a single romantic fabric.

In the swinger lifestyle, the introduction of more people and new adventures can sometimes create issues with emotional intimacy between primary partners. When this happens, things can quickly fall apart.

These unique challenges faced by swingers can create significant stress and serve as the metaphorical Jenga block that topples the stack.

So, how do we preserve our emotional intimacy in a swinger relationship?

Pay Attention

This may seem a bit rudimentary and unnecessary as a topic, but understanding the basics of emotional intimacy is crucial.

At its core, emotional intimacy is a deep connection with another person. It is the bedrock of any romantic relationship, binding two people together into a single romantic fabric.

In the swinger lifestyle, the introduction of more people and new adventures can sometimes create issues with emotional intimacy between primary partners. When this happens, things can quickly fall apart.

These unique challenges faced by swingers can create significant stress and serve as the metaphorical Jenga block that topples the stack.

So, how do we preserve our emotional intimacy in a swinger relationship?

Maintaining Emotional Intimacy in a Swinger Relationship

Most of the time, the first block to tumble in the demise of emotional intimacy is attentiveness.

When you first enter into a swinger relationship, there’s a lot of new and shiny going on. The excitement can lead you to fixate on all the new experiences and, incidentally, forget about your primary partner. Maybe “forget” is a strong word, but at the very least, your attention and energy may sway too far towards new people.

First, don’t feel bad if this has happened to you. It’s a common experience, and that’s okay. The important thing is to learn from it and to work on fixing it.

Make sure you are paying careful attention to your partner. When you’re not with other partners, avoid steering all conversations back to them. Instead, focus on your primary partner. Engage in meaningful conversations that reinforce your bond. Show interest in their day, their thoughts, and their feelings. This consistent attentiveness helps to maintain the connection and reassures your partner of their importance in your life.

Additionally, it’s essential to plan quality time together. Amidst the excitement of new connections, set aside time specifically for your primary relationship. This could be a regular date night, a weekend getaway, or even just a cosy evening at home. The key is to ensure that your primary relationship remains a priority, and that both partners feel valued and cherished.

Emotional intimacy also thrives on trust and transparency. Be open about your feelings and encourage your partner to do the same. 

Keep Your Spark Alive

f you and your primary partner’s sexual relationship is being pushed aside, it’s bound to cause problems down the road.

When you’re in a swinger relationship, it’s normal to sometimes lose some energy for your primary relations. There is only so much energy to go around, and that’s completely natural. However, it’s important to make a concerted effort to keep the spark alive. This means taking quality alone time with your primary partner. It might be necessary to skip a swinger event or two if needed.

If you begin to lose touch with your primary partner, both of you may start to experience insecurity. This can manifest in various ways, from jealousy to feelings of neglect. It’s crucial to recognise these signs early and address them head-on.

First and foremost, prioritise intimate time with your partner. Plan romantic evenings, surprise each other with little gestures of love, and make sure that your sexual relationship remains vibrant and fulfilling. This doesn’t mean you need to neglect your other relationships, but rather, ensure that your primary relationship remains the cornerstone of your emotional and physical intimacy.

Furthermore, communication is key. If either of you starts to feel insecure or neglected, talk about it openly. Acknowledge these feelings and work together to find solutions. Sometimes, just being heard and understood can alleviate a lot of the emotional strain.

In the end, remember, your primary partner is the one who trusted you to enter into this new swinger adventure. Show your allegiance to your partner by taking steps to make sure your emotional intimacy stays strong. By doing so, you will make everything else better.



