pineapple upside down

Carnival Cruises Ban Upside Down Pineapples: An Open Relationship Symbol Overboard

Carnival Cruise Line has banned (and maybe unbanned) upside pineapples, a notorious open relationship symbol, stirring debate across the open relationship lifestyle community.

Pending the real story, it’s is making major waves across the polygamy community that often appreciates cruise lines as a place to congregate and connect.

Carnival Cruise links is the world’s largest cruise line. That makes any move they make a potential precedent across all its competitors. Following Carnival’s ban of the upside down swinger symbol, many in the swinger community fear it could be the start of more uptight regulations.

The upside down pineapple has an almost storied presence in modern culture as an icon and symbol that conveys swinger lifestyle presence. By donning the upside down pineapple in your yard, or even on your cruise hotel door as is more relevant to the current case, you signal to other swingers you’re in the club.

Apparently, Carnival Cruises aren’t wanting anyone to be in any swinger clubs. At least they weren’t for a hot minute.

John Heald, the Brand Ambassador and senior cruise director of Carnival Cruise Lines, confirmed exactly this on Facebook.

So, apparently, Heald deleted his post, leading some to believe he’s reversed his position and that maybe the position doesn’t reflect a new corporate policy. Let’s be real, such a policy could backfire beyond loss of bookings. You could have people turning over their pineapples on tables just to “rock the boat.” And having crew sweep the premises of little upside down stickers could take its toll. Does anyone really care that much besides Heald?

So who knows what the real story is. But it could be fun to follow.



