couple not facing each other in bed, look angry

Balancing Independence and Togetherness in Open Relationships

In an open relationship or swinger lifestyle, finding balance in the relationship can be the most challenging aspect. Partners who have freedom to explore intimate connections outside of their primary relationship need to maintain a strong bond with their primary relationship through it all. Striking this balance can lead to a more fulfilling and resilient relationship. All partners should feel valued and supported, particularly the primary partners.

In this guide, we’ll explore strategies that help bring togetherness to the forefront.

Why Balance in Open Relationships is Essential

Open relationships are a wealth of freedom and independence not experienced in traditional relationships. As modern dating becomes more open to relationship structures which may include swinging or throuples, challenges in balance arise.

Balancing independence and togetherness helps prevent feelings of neglect. When bother primary partners feel they have space to grow individually without feeling as if they have “rivals,” things flow smoother and everyone is happier.

Balance is critical in trust and communication. Partners who respect each other’s independence and prioritize quality time together are more likely to engage in honest communications regarding their desires. And this is essential in an open relationship type.

When we consider balance, there are two components:


This is when we’re together with our primary partner. The quality of this time matters. And whether or not we “smother” our primary partners is a driver in the balance game.

Spending quality time together strengthens the bond between partners. This could involve date nights, weekend getaways, or simply enjoying daily activities together. Shared experiences create memories and deepen your connection. 

While open relationships often help save marriages, the challenge is when we lose sight of our primary partner.

Things like weekend getaways, date nights, and simple daily activities done in tandem can help bring you and your primary partner together.


Our ability to be away from our primary partner, this is critical and essential in open relationships. In a swinger lifestyle setup, you may end up always in the same room, but intimacy often separates couples.

Independence in an open relationship is about maintaining and creating an environment where partners are able to pursue other interests. In traditional relationships, we might consider careers. In an open relationship, this can mean outside partners.

Practical Strategies for Striking Balance in Open Relationships

Let’s explore a few big ones.

Time Management

Without question, learning to manage time between your primary partner and outside partners is critical in finding a healthy balance. This may require establishing a schedule that allows for individual activities as well as quality time together. Finding this balance can prevent feelings of neglect or resentment and foster a more harmonious relationship dynamic.

Establishing a Schedule

Creating a structured schedule can help ensure that both partners’ needs are met. This might involve setting aside specific nights for date nights or designated times for individual pursuits. A well-planned schedule provides a clear framework that both partners can rely on, reducing misunderstandings and conflicts about time allocation.


  • Designate specific nights or times of the week for date nights or quality time with your primary partner.
  • Allocate regular slots for personal activities or time with secondary partners to ensure personal interests and connections are maintained.
  • Be consistent with the schedule, but also allow for flexibility to accommodate spontaneous plans or changes.

Sharing Calendars

Using shared calendars can greatly enhance communication and coordination between partners. By having a visible schedule that both partners can access, it becomes easier to plan activities, avoid conflicts, and ensure that both partners are aware of each other’s commitments.


  • Use digital calendar tools like Google Calendar to share schedules in real-time.
  • Regularly update the calendar with new plans or changes to keep both partners informed.
  • Include important dates such as anniversaries, special events, or vacations to ensure they are prioritized.

Scheduling Regular Check-Ins

Regular check-ins are essential for maintaining a healthy balance in open relationships. These check-ins provide an opportunity for partners to discuss their feelings, needs, and any concerns about the relationship. It’s a time to reassess the schedule, make necessary adjustments, and ensure that both partners feel valued and heard.


  • Set aside time for weekly or bi-weekly check-ins to discuss the relationship and any scheduling issues.
  • Use these check-ins to openly communicate about what’s working and what might need adjustment.
  • Be attentive and empathetic during check-ins, ensuring that both partners feel comfortable expressing their thoughts.

Being Flexible

Flexibility is key to managing time effectively in open relationships. While having a schedule is important, it’s equally important to be adaptable to changing circumstances. Life is unpredictable, and being able to adjust plans as needed demonstrates respect and understanding for each partner’s needs and commitments.


Foster a mindset of cooperation and compromise, recognizing that both partners’ needs are important.

Be open to adjusting the schedule if unforeseen events or opportunities arise.

Prioritize your primary partner’s needs, especially during critical times or special occasions.

Creating Traditions

Traditions help strengthen the bond between partners by creating a sense of shared experiences that are consistent over time. This could be that weekly date night or even sharing coffee every morning, or it could be some sort of leisurely annual vacation.

Look for activities or traditions that both you and your primary partner appreciate and attach meaning to. Make this traditions a regular part of your routine. Make sure these traditions involve opportunities for deeper, more thoughtful communications.

Overcoming Challenges

Many challenges in finding balance are rooted in misunderstandings and miscommunications and sometimes, people get so busy they don’t realize it is happening.

Partners should deal with misunderstandings and conflicts as soon as they crop up. Don’t let them simmer any longer than you need to. Clearly, sometimes partners need some space to cool off or redirect thoughts – that’s perfectly fine. But you don’t want to allow a misunderstanding to go on for weeks and grow into a bigger issue.

Its important to maintain flexibility and openness in these relationships. Schedules can be a hugely challenging aspect. Being able to make some changes to help bring you and your partner closer is a big thing. But also, learning to deal with your own insecurities when your partner is seeking independence is equally important.


By implementing some simple, practical strategies for achieving balance, partners in open relationships and swinger lifestyles can find that both independence and togetherness can be achieved in harmony. And that’s a beautiful thing.



