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Hollywood’s Open Secrets: Celebrities in Non-Monogamous Relationships

The world of swinging and open relationships is growing in popularity, with one driving factor being celebrities who are either openly in these non-monogamy structures or allegedly are. Let’s be honest, celebrity culture drives a lot of influence, particularly in the Western world.

Numerous celebrities are notable for their modern dating endeavours. Here are a few who have made headlines:

Will and Jada Pinkett Smith

The slap heard around the world will always be associated with the Smiths, for better or worse. But before the infamous Academy Awards moment that left Chris Rock in shock, Will and Jada were already known for engaging in an open relationship.

However, there’s some mystery to it. Will told GQ that the couple had been involved in sexual relationships outside of their marriage, while Jada described it as “transparent,” rather than truly “open.”

“I’m like, hey, we got to be in partnership with this. Like, I wanted to face it head-on… I didn’t want to create a culture of deceit or betrayal between us and I just wanted to be real about it from the gate,” she said on The Jess Cagle Show.

Shailene Woodley

Shailene Woodley, famous for her roles in The Fault in Our StarsDivergent, and Adrift, has openly discussed her experiences with both open relationships and traditional structures.

“Listen, I’m someone who has experienced both an open relationship and a deeply monogamous relationship in my life, and I think we’re in a day and age where there should be no rules except for the ones designed by two people in a partnership—or three people, whatever floats your boat!” Shailene said to the NY Times.

Margaret Cho

Margaret Cho is one of the most talented entertainers of our time, notably for her amazing stand-up comedy.

The now 55-year-old was previously in an open relationship with Al Ridenour. They’re not together anymore, but it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the open relationship failing.

“I just don’t want to have sex with the same person my whole life. That’s just gross…We have a really big house. It’s kind of like if we wanna have that, it’s like, ‘You can stay on your side, or I’ll stay on my side.’ When I see her, I’ll make her dinner…Oh yeah. I’ve definitely been in the house,” Margaret shared on The Real.

Thomas Middleditch

Thomas Middleditch is best known for his role as Richard Hendricks in the HBO series Silicon Valley, where he won an Emmy Award.

After marrying Mollie Gates, Middleditch told her that he wanted to swing. She reportedly took it well, and they found a way forward. He now claims that swinging has saved their marriage.

We hear that a lot, folks.

Bill Clinton

Could we be any more surprised?

One of Clinton’s alleged mistresses, Gennifer Flowers, has claimed that Bill and Hillary were avid swingers.


The world of open relationships and swinging is becoming more mainstream, partly due to the influence of celebrities who openly discuss their non-monogamous lifestyles. These stories show that there are many ways to approach relationships, and the most important thing is finding what works best for you and your partner(s).



